© 2023, Laredo Medical Weight Loss Clinic and Spa.
  • (956) 725-4569
  • Open today until 7:00 PM


Female sexual enhancements  are O-SHOT !what is an O-SHOT ? It’s a pellet rich plasma or (PRP) treatment to alleviate symptoms of female sexual dysfunction such as SKIN ELASTICITY, INCONTINENCE , PAINFUL SEX and DRYNESS . MALE SEXUAL ENHANCEMENTS are ,  P-SHOT ! What is a P-SHOT ?

The Priapus shot is a Platelet rich plasma ( PRP )treatment to alleviate symptoms of male sexual dysfunction such as SMALL PENIS/GIRTH , ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION, DIMINISHED SEXUAL DRIVE , LACK OF SENSATION,  BENEFITS INCLUDE : 1 –  inch increase in girth and length, Straightening of the penis , increase circulation , and function , increase in station,  and pleasure , makes other therapies work better (Viagra or Cialis )